Congratulations to Nancy Magoo for winning last week's one-off Porcelain bird Necklace Giveaway designed by Shabana Jacobson.
I have 1 AU$59.00 gorgeous 2-in-1 bird dress/skirt by Knoxville, Tennessee designers Yee-Haw Industries to give away this week, and I don't want you to miss out. To get this requires little effort, just a little thought, and at the same time, you are supporting handmade and promoting an independent designer Yee-Haw. The bird outfit can be worn as a dress or a skirt. The whole front of the skirt is a giant stylized tree with 6 birds and an owl perched among the branches (1 bird is in a nest & the top birdy is singing Yee-Haw). The printed design is 14"x14". (Click on the images in this post to get better close-up views of the print and the dress). These can be worn as a long skirt or foldover waist skirt, or as a strapless dress (you may want to get a smaller size if you like the dress option as the fabric is super soft & stretchy) Printed in orange & ivory inks on wine purple/ red fabric, bottom hem is unfinished. These skirts are made in very small batches and are so beautiful, versatile and comfy. Illustration by the always fabulous Bjorn Lie. I have sizes Small, Medium and Large. Please specify size in notes to me at the bottom of the post.
All you have to do, is have a look around i like you world's blog and put a comment on the posting that you like best. People who comment on more than one post will gain extra entries. 1 entry for each comment. The more the merrier! Once you're done please comment below on this post with a working email account for contact and valid entry. An e-mail linked to profile is also valid.
At the end of the week, the best commentor will receive this gorgeous bird dress/skirt. With FREE SHIPPING of course!
*****Please Remember: When you comment for the first time, just let me know that you have in this posting on the comments below, with your vaild e-mail so I can contact you if you win. Also, please remember to put your preferred size in the comment s below.
BONUS POINTS: Ways to improve your chances of winning!
Help us tweet about the giveaway: People who help to tweet about this giveaway will get extra entries. 1 entry for each tweet! Add @ilikeyouworld to your tweets so that I know you have retweeted. Please write down your twitter account along with your email in the comment below to help us link the two.
Become a follower: People who become new followers of this blog, benefit by scoring 1 extra entry. The 'followers' list is on the right column. If you already are a follower, you gain 2 entries automatically.
Join our mailing list: People who join our mailing list will get 1 extra entry. You can join our mailing list on the right column.
This giveaway will end at 6pm, Friday July 24th 2009, Australian time. The lucky Winner will be selected randomly and notified by email.
To begin, click on the i like you world blog title at the top to take you to the main blog and the rest of the articles.
To find out more about Yeehaw's custom letterpress printmaking, art and clothes please go to their website at http://www.yeehawindustries.com.
i like you and goodluck! xx

Following on twitter @wizfoe
Also following blog and commented!
This dress is so cute, I would like a size medium please!
following on twitter; @massacregirl
i am a follower of the blog and i am on the mailing list.
my email is; beforedark@live.com and ive commented many blogs before but still need to explore.
this dress is pretty, medium please :)
I love it so much!!!
I follow on twitter (@hellooalaska)
daisyniles@yahoo.com is my email.
Gorgeous print! I love the versatility too, I need more things like that in my wardrobe ^^
Following on Twitter as .Caitlin.
Also commented in two entries.
Large size if i'm the lucky winner ^^
subscribed to mailing list!!
Beautiful colour!
I like your shop too - popped in on Wednesday... Neil's badges are great aren't they?
and I joined the mailing list. [:
It's so pretty! I'd like a medium please :)
I'm following on twitter @muchloveanna
and have commented on a blog post.
This totally blows my mind! I'm following you on twitter (@bswig) and didn't even know about your blog til you tweeted about this dress! I'm from East TN (where YeeHaw is), *love* YeeHaw, and this is just one more reminder of what a small world we live in! :D I'm a large, and I the dress is too cute (so is your blog!)
~Hannah B.
This is such a cute dress! Love it! Just about to RT this on Twitter :)
Posted some comments on the "Oh, how I love my polaroid camera" and "Gorgeous Pirdy bird and owl brooches, rings, wall hangings plus more now at i like you" my e-mail is bucca88@hotmail.com
Size Med pls xox
joining you on twitter - my sn on twitter is whatevershesaid
Hey Jodes,
What a sweet comment! Might sound silly, but that means a lot to me knowing that you like the blog. i like you!x
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